Executive order, U.S. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) established

This executive order has been issued by the U.S. President to establish the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Its main purpose is to guide the President on policies related to science, technology, education and innovation and to maintain the global technological dominance of the U.S.

Key Highlights:

  1. Purpose:

To promote American innovation and pioneering spirit.

To focus on transformative technologies such as AI, quantum computing and biotechnology.

To strengthen national security and economic growth.

  1. Structure:

PCAST ​​will have a maximum of 24 members:

Federal and non-Federal experts from academia, private sector and relevant fields.

Co-Chairs will be Assistant to the President for Science and Technology (APST) and Special Advisor for AI & Crypto.

Non-Federal members must be diverse and expert.

  1. Functions:

Advise the President and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).

Seek ideas and information from stakeholders such as universities, the private sector, and research labs.

Serve as an advisory panel for specific laws such as the High-Performance Computing Act and the Nanotechnology R&D Act.

  1. Administration:

The Department of Energy will provide funding and technical support.

Members may be provided security clearance if working on classified information.

Members will not receive any compensation for work, but travel expenses will be covered.

  1. Duration:

This council will work for 2 years, unless the President extends it.

This order will ensure that the U.S. achieves its scientific and technological goals and maintains its leadership on the global level.